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10 Carnivore Diet Mistakes Ruining Your Results

The top 10 Carnivore mistakes I made when I started my zero-carb lifestyle. Learn what not to do, and what to focus on to heal inflammation and get results.

10 Carnivore Diet Mistakes Ruining Your Results


I have been doing the carnivore diet since August 2021, so it's been around 9 months (I did say 8 months in the video - but it's 9 MONTHS!)

There are definitely a few things I did wrong

but over time I have fixed these common mistakes on the carnivore diet.

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Mistake #1: Eating too late in the day

Consuming meat late in the day can interfere with sleep quality due to the time it takes to digest meat. This can lead to disrupted sleep and insomnia.

It is recommended to have your last meal earlier in the evening to allow for proper digestion and to minimize the impact on sleep.

Mistake #2: Relying solely on pricey cuts of meat

The idea that you can only follow a carnivorous diet if you can afford to consume steaks and other high-end cuts of meat is a common myth.

The fact is that this is not the case. True, some cuts of beef can be quite pricey, but there are plenty of inexpensive alternatives that don’t have to sacrifice quality.

Mistake #3: Neglecting organ meats

Organ meats are a rich source of essential nutrients often overlooked in a carnivore diet. The liver, heart, kidney, and other organ meats provide a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients that benefit overall health.

Incorporating organ meats into your diet can help address potential nutrient deficiencies and provide a more well-rounded nutritional profile.

Mistake #4: Neglecting electrolyte balance

Electrolytes, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, play a crucial role in various bodily functions.

Neglecting proper electrolyte balance can lead to symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, irregular heartbeat, and muscle weakness. It is important to ensure adequate intake of these minerals through supplementation or electrolyte-rich foods.

'Meat saved our lives': These people lost 200 lbs and healed 5 common chronic diseases with Carnivore.

Mistake #5: Restricting calories too much

While the carnivore diet can promote rapid fat loss, excessively restricting calories can signal the body is in a state of famine.

This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and a host of side effects, such as lethargy, hormone imbalances, and gut dysfunction. Eating until you are full and ensuring an adequate calorie intake is important to support overall health and well-being.

Mistake #6: Eating only one meal a day

While fasting can be easier on a carnivore diet due to the satiety provided by meat, combining a low-carbohydrate diet with fasting can increase stress levels in the body.

This can lead to symptoms like insomnia, water retention, and poor recovery. Having two meals daily with a fasting window of 16-18 hours is recommended to manage stress levels better and allow optimal nutrient absorption.

Mistake #7: Overconsumption of chicken and pork

Ruminant animals like cattle and sheep have a more efficient digestive system than monogastric animals like chickens and pigs.

More reliance on chicken and pork, especially when not raised on a species-appropriate diet, can lead to imbalances in fatty acid ratios and poor meat quality. It is advisable to prioritize ruminant meats like beef and lamb for better nutritional outcomes.

Mistake #8: Overconsumption of liver

While the liver is a nutrient-dense food, consuming excessive amounts can lead to hypervitaminosis and copper toxicity.

Liver should be consumed in moderation, and a few ounces per week are usually sufficient to meet nutrient needs. It is important to be mindful of portion sizes and not overindulge in liver consumption.

Mistake #9: Banning all supplements

While the carnivore diet can provide a wide range of nutrients, there may be cases where additional supplementation is necessary.

Supplements such as betaine HCL, probiotics, and vitamins can help address specific needs or deficiencies. It is important not to be dogmatic about avoiding all supplements and to consider individual circumstances and requirements.

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