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Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet: Is It Safe? 3-Day Meal Plan

If you’re suffering from autoimmune diseases like lupus, you can try the Green Smoothie Protocol introduced by Dr. Brooke Goldner, a certified medical doctor. She claims that this approach helped her treat lupus, which she had been suffering from for many years. Let’s learn more about Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet and see if relying only on plant-based foods can be helpful or includes risks.

Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet: Is It Safe? 3-Day Meal Plan
  • Dr. Brooke Goldner is a certified medical doctor who suffered from lupus when she was 16. However, she controlled and treated the symptoms through a plant-based diet.
  • Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet or Green Smoothie Protocol is an eating plan based on leafy and nutritious vegetables.
  • Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet provides anti-inflammatory properties, helps weight management, and boosts energy. But can cause oxalate overload, tooth enamel decay, and digestive issues.
  • The main ingredients in green smoothies include vegetables and fruits with a ratio of 75% vegetables and 25% fruits.

Who Is Dr. Brooke Goldner?

Dr. Brooke Goldner was born in 1977 and is now a board-certified medical doctor who has written several bestselling books about reversing autoimmune diseases like lupus through diet and nutrition.

Her books include "Goodbye Lupus", "Goodbye Autoimmune Disease", and a recipe book called "Goodbye Lupus, Hello Delicious".

She has appeared in many documentaries, TV shows, and magazines to discuss her approach to treating autoimmune conditions with a plant-based diet.

Dr. Goldner has an impressive educational background, having graduated with honors from Carnegie Mellon University and Temple University School of Medicine, and serving as Chief Resident at UCLA-Harbor Residency.

She teaches about using plant-based diets for autoimmune conditions through Cornell University's nutrition certification program and is on the Forbes Health Advisory Board.

At just 16 years old, Brooke Goldner was told she likely only had a few months to live due to lupus which had severely damaged her kidneys. Weekly chemotherapy provided temporary relief by suppressing her overactive immune system.

Despite warnings that stress could worsen her condition, Goldner was determined to create something lasting and pursued a career in medicine. The stressful lifestyle did lead to setbacks like mini-strokes from lupus-related blood clots.

However, she ultimately became a doctor, hoping to find ways to better manage her illness.

She has dedicated her career to educating people about how a proper and scientific diet saved her life.

After many challenges, Dr. Goldner fell in love with personal trainer Thomas Tadlock and got married. 

Dr. Goldner followed her fiance's eating plan, which included eliminating meat, dairy, grains, and eggs and consuming only whole plant foods.

Following this plant-based diet allowed her to overcome lupus, become a mother, and remain symptom-free to this day. This modified diet is currently known as Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet or Green Smoothie Protocol.

Learn More: Ray Peat Diet: Everything You Should Know

What Is Dr. Brooke Goldner's Green Smoothie Protocol?

Dr. Brooke Goldner's Green Smoothie Protocol is a dietary approach based on the daily consumption of nutrient-dense green smoothies.

This protocol focuses on absorbing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids mainly from leafy greens and fruits with the following rules and goals.

Dr. Brooke Goldner, Author of Goodbye Lupus:

"My goal is to give people a simple, affordable, and scientifically proven way to end the pain and suffering caused by autoimmune disease."


  • Consume at least 0.5 kg of dark leafy and cruciferous vegetables daily: You can eat spinach, swiss chard, broccoli, beetroot, kale, and cabbage.
  • Eliminate all foods rich in omega 6 and focus on those rich in omega 3: Omega-6 fatty acids found in many processed foods and oils, can promote inflammation. However, omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties and are crucial for brain health [1] [2]. 
  • Drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day: Enough hydration is essential for maintaining bodily functions, helping digestion, and promoting detoxification [3]. This liquid intake can include water, herbal teas, and the liquid content from green smoothies.


The main goal of this diet is to improve and support the immune system by reducing inflammation and promoting a healthy immune response. 

This diet tries to prevent and treat autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sclerosis, in which the immune system attacks the body's tissues by mistake.

Following these rules can be hard at first, especially if you’re not vegan, but it can provide certain benefits.

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Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet Benefits

Following Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet, you can achieve the following health benefits.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Consuming foods with omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds and chia seeds, helps reduce inflammation in the body and alleviates symptoms of chronic inflammatory conditions [4].
  • Hydration: Consuming a high amount of water-based smoothies helps maintain hydration levels and support many bodily functions like digestion [5].
  • Weight Management: Green smoothies are low in calories but have moderate protein, which makes them a filling and satisfying option that can help weight management by reducing the overall caloric intake.
  • Energy Boost: Providing the body with a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help boost energy levels and improve mental clarity [6].

However, focusing only on vegetables is not as healthy as many may think because they can have serious side effects, especially in the long term.

Dr. Brooke Goldner:

"The 'Goodbye Lupus Protocol' focuses on flooding the body with nutrients from fruits and vegetables, which are essential for healing and immune system support."

Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet Downsides

While Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet has many benefits, there are some potential downsides to consider before trying it:

  • Nutrient Imbalances: Relying only on green smoothies can lead to imbalances in certain nutrients, such as protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are mainly found in animal-based foods [7].
  • Digestive Issues: Some individuals can experience digestive discomfort, bloating, or gas due to the high fiber content in green smoothies, especially if they haven’t consumed large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables before [8].
  • Oxalate Overload: Certain leafy greens used in green smoothies, such as spinach and kale, are high in oxalates, which can lead to kidney stone formation in certain individuals when consumed in excess [9].
  • Dental Health Concerns: Green smoothies, particularly those containing citrus fruits, can have acidic properties that can erode tooth enamel over time if consumed frequently without proper dental hygiene practices [10].
  • Insufficient Evidence and Limited Research: Although many people claim that Dr. Goldner's Diet works well, there isn't enough scientific research to prove it can effectively treat or prevent chronic diseases in the long term.

According to these benefits and side effects, can we trust Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet and be sure about its safety?

Learn More: How To Flush Oxalates From the Body? What is Oxalate Dumping?

Is Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet Safe?

While Dr. Brooke Goldner's Green Smoothie Protocol seems helpful, it's essential to consider the potential limits of relying solely on green smoothies and vegetables for nutrition.

Green smoothies have their benefits, of course. They're convenient, high in antioxidants, and can support digestive health. But let's not forget that they can’t provide all the necessary nutrients the body needs.

For instance, green smoothies can’t provide sufficient protein for optimal muscle growth and maintenance, essential fatty acids the body needs, and adequate vitamin B12, which is essential for energy production, nerve function, and red blood cell formation [11] [12] [13].

On top of that, consuming meat and other animal-based products can provide a more complete range of essential nutrients. Meat is an excellent source of protein and provides all the essential amino acids the body needs [14].

It's also a rich source of vitamin B12 and iron, which are essential for energy production and red blood cell formation [15].

In general, if you are vegan or suffering from autoimmune diseases, Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet can be a good option for you. However, it’s recommended to consume food supplements like vitamin D and B12 to get the missing nutrients.

But if you’re not vegan or don’t suffer from autoimmune diseases, it’s better not to start this diet, as your body needs many nutrients you can’t find in Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet.

The best way to make sure about the safety of Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet is to consult a healthcare professional to check your health condition and see whether this diet is recommended for you to start or not.

Anyhow, if you want to start this diet or want to add green smoothies to your daily meal plan, you can use the following Dr. Brooke Goldner smoothie protocol recipes.

Learn More: Dr. Valencia Diet: Meal Plan, Food List, and Reviews


Plant-based diets, including variations like the one advocated by Dr. Brooke Goldner, have gained popularity due to their perceived health benefits, including weight management and disease prevention. (Source: Harvard Health Publishing - "Becoming a Vegetarian")

5 Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet Smoothies

Dr. Brooke Goldner recipes can be extended to whatever amount you want to serve, and you just have to follow the ratio of the ingredients, which include 75% vegetables and 25% fruits.

Here are 5 green smoothie recipes recommended by Dr. Brooke Goldner.

  1. Kale Banana Pineapple Tart
  2. Heaven in a Blender
  3. Berrie Good Smoothie
  4. Super Pooper Smoothie
  5. Smoothie Colada

Clinical trials and case studies supporting the efficacy of plant-based diets in managing autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are increasingly documented in medical literature. (Source: Journal of the American College of Nutrition - "Vegetarian Diets in the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Its Complications")

Green Smoothie #1: Kale Banana Pineapple Tart


  • 75%: Kale
  • 25%: Bananas, pineapples, lemon juice, flaxseeds


  1. Pack kale into the blender until it's 75% full.
  2. Add a handful of flaxseeds.
  3. Add cold water until it reaches the top of the kale.
  4. Fill the space with ripe bananas and pineapples.
  5. Add a small amount of lemon juice.
  6. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!

The table below shows the nutritional values of 1 serving of this smoothie.

Calories168 kcal
Carbohydrates 35 g
Fat 2.6 g
Protein 4.9 g
Sugar 13.4 g
Fiber 7.3 g

Green Smoothie #2: Heaven in a Blender


  • 75%: Spinach
  • 25%: Bananas, grapes, granny smith apples, avocados, flaxseeds


  1. Pack spinach into the blender until it's 75% full.
  2. Add a handful of flaxseeds.
  3. Pour in cold water until it reaches the top of the spinach.
  4. Fill the remaining space equally with ripe bananas, grapes, avocados, and green apples.
  5. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Enjoy!

The nutritional values of 1 serving of this smoothie are provided in the following table.

Calories173 kcal
Carbohydrates 25 g
Fat 9.3 g
Protein 3.1 g
Sugar 12.7 g
Fiber 7.7 g

Green Smoothie #3: Berrie Good Smoothie


  • 75%: Raw kale, spinach, chard, water
  • 25%: Frozen bananas, frozen berries (cherries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), flaxseeds


  1. Put 75% of the greens into the blender.
  2. Add flaxseeds and fill with cold water up to the greens.
  3. Add banana and berries to fill the rest.
  4. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Enjoy!

Here are Berrie Good Smoothie’s nutritional values in 1 serving.

Calories187 kcal
Carbohydrates 38 g
Fat 4.3 g
Protein 5.4 g
Sugar 12 g
Fiber 8.5 g

Green Smoothie #4: Super Pooper Smoothie


  • 75%: Raw kale, spinach, chard, water
  • 25%: Frozen bananas, Fuji apples, frozen papaya chunks, flaxseeds


  1. Remove the core from the Fuji apple.
  2. Add greens to the blender until it's about 75% full.
  3. Add a handful of flaxseeds.
  4. Fill the remaining space with cold water up to the top of the greens.
  5. Add bananas, Fuji apples, and papaya chunks to fill the rest of the space.
  6. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!

The nutritional values for 1 serving of this smoothie are shown in the table below.

Calories167 kcal
Carbohydrates 36 g
Fat 3 g
Protein 4 g
Sugar 11 g
Fiber 9 g

Green Smoothie #5: Smoothie Colada


  • 75%: Raw kale, spinach, chard, coconut milk
  • 20%: Frozen bananas, pineapple chunks, flaxseeds
  • 5%: Pineapple juice


  1. Fill the blender with greens until about 75% full.
  2. Pour in 5% pineapple juice for extra flavor.
  3. Add flaxseeds.
  4. Top it up with cold coconut milk until it reaches the top of the greens.
  5. Fill the remaining space with frozen banana and pineapple chunks.
  6. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!

Smoothie Colada’s nutritional values in 1 serving are provided in the table below.

Calories218 kcal
Carbohydrates 35 g
Fat 13 g
Protein 4 g
Sugar 15 g
Fiber 7 g

If you want to start Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet and you’re sure about its safety and benefits after consulting a healthcare professional, you can use the following sample 3-day meal plan to get started.

Sample 3-Day Meal Plan

Here is a sample 3-day meal plan for the Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet. You can change the foods and ingredients based on your needs and preferences, but make sure to include only the foods allowed.

Day 1

You can eat these foods on the first day of the Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet. The table also shows the carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber, and calories you can get from this day's meal.

MealFoodCarbohydrates (g)Fat (g)Protein (g)Sugar (g)Fiber (g)Calories (kcal)
Breakfast Green smoothie 35 2.6 4.9 13.4 7.3 168
Lunch Salad with cooked quinoa, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. 24 19 5 2 7 290
Dinner Baked sweet potato with black beans and avocado slices 40 9 9 4 11 270

Day 2

On the second day, the following meal plan is recommended. Also, the table below shows the carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber, and calories you can get from this day's meal.

MealFoodCarbohydrates (g)Fat (g)Protein (g)Sugar (g)Fiber (g)Calories (kcal)
Breakfast Green smoothie 25 9.3 3.1 12.7 7.7 173
Lunch Lentil soup containing lentils, tomatoes, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, vegetable broth, cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper 41 2 15 6 15 250
Dinner Stir-fried tofu with broccoli, bell peppers, garlic, ginger, and soy sauce 15 14 19 4 5 230

Day 3

Here are the foods you can have on the third day of Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet. Also, you can check the nutritional profile of these foods in the following table.

MealFoodCarbohydrates (g)Fat (g)Protein (g)Sugar (g)Fiber (g)Calories (kcal)
Breakfast Green smoothie 38 4.3 5.4 12 8.5 187
Lunch Vegetable stir-fry with brown rice, bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, tofu, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil 40 12 18 5 6 350
Dinner Chickpea salad containing chickpeas, arugula, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, olives, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper 30 13 8 4 8 260


Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet is claimed to help autoimmune diseases like lupus through a plant-based diet called the Green Smoothie Protocol.

Although Dr. Brooke Goldner is a certified doctor and has tried this protocol on herself, more scientific research is needed to ensure its effectiveness in the long term because, like other vegan diets, this diet can’t provide all the essential nutrients the body needs.

If you want to try this diet, you’d better consult a healthcare professional or nutritionist to check if Dr. Brooke Goldner Diet is helpful for your specific health status and goals.

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